
? Day dream’in in #Machín… Machín steaming. They say when this volcano blows, the whole World will know… ?️ Meditation where lava flows, just below the toes ?‍♂️ Central mountain surrounded by a ringed mountain range, too big for a photo. Volcanic soil and lush cultivations. When it blows… Active, who knows… Hombre de volcán… #Termales #HotSprings ?????? #Peace #love & #adventures from #Colombia #travel #wanderlust #globetrotting #globetrekker #digitalnomad #digitalnomadlife #digitalnomads #nomadicfirstandforemost #creatingmemoories #belikeabutterfly #memories #vistas #journeys ?️⛰️ #mountain #mountainview #nature #rollinghills #countryside #escapethecity #andes ☘️ #naturalmedicine #plantbasednutrition #zen

? Day dream'in in #Machín... Machín steaming. They say when this volcano blows, the whole World will know... ?️ Meditation where lava flows, just below the toes ?‍♂️ Central mountain surrounded by a ringed mountain range, too big for a photo. Volcanic soil and lush cultivations. When it blows... Active, who knows... Hombre de volcán... #Termales #HotSprings ?????? #Peace #love & #adventures from #Colombia #travel #wanderlust #globetrotting #globetrekker #digitalnomad #digitalnomadlife #digitalnomads #nomadicfirstandforemost #creatingmemoories #belikeabutterfly #memories #vistas #journeys ?️⛰️ #mountain #mountainview #nature #rollinghills #countryside #escapethecity #andes ☘️ #naturalmedicine #plantbasednutrition #zen
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Starting the day right… Salads for breakfast… Fruits for fuel, herbs to clean the digestion ⚕️ #Goodvibes, clear mind, ambiance comes not just from what you surround yourself with, but also from the foods that you consume. #FoodIsADrug or  #FoodIsAMedicine #WeAreWhatWeConsume ⠀ ? A powerful mood enhancer. Sometimes #vegan sometimes not. Always trying. A wholefood vegan diet cleans out toxins, chemicals and various stress hormones rather than accumulating more. Done so by vitamins, antioxidants, minerals and various compounds like sulfur. Sulfur has the ability to flow deep through your cells and dislodge toxins that shouldn’t be there. So effective, a vegan diet needs to be introduced slowly and with care to avoid a rush of toxins being pushed into the blood stream and overloading our bodily systems. ⠀ ?‍♀️?‍♂️?‍♀️ The stress hormone  #Cortisol is just one of the negative hormones saturated in our meat and diary due to the animals life through a concentration camp like process. ⠀ ?? Whether you believe that you absorb the energy, toxins, drugs or the hormones that our scientists can see. The meat and dairy is not the superfood it once, potentially, was. #RealityOfTheSituation ⠀ Always #wholefoods Embracing the secrets of a positive mind. Accepting we are what we consume, hormones, energies & all. Simplicities of life. ⠀ ⛏️What is a mineral? As a human we are water and minerals only. If we were cremated the ash would be the minerals, with the water evaporated. Minerals are compounds, solid building blocks that don’t degrade. ⠀ ⛏️What is a vitamin? A vitamin is very similar to a mineral but is organic and does degrade. Vitamins have a lifespan in the body before they break down. Think of them like temporary bridges that can be used as roads to get things around. ⠀ ?️?️?️ #ital #cooking = #vitality Dashings of seasalt not rocksalt makes plants succulent like steak, mineral rich. A human is only instructions, minerals and water, that is all. ⠀ #Veganism maybe the most powerful #moodenhancer in today’s world. #plantbasedpaleo #vegatarian #food #plantbasednutrition #truefood #foodart #naturalnutrition #zen #gastronomia #g

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