
#Fruitsforbreakfast Question, check, try everything… ?break-fast #breakfast Coffee first to empty the stomach, if you need it. TRY IT. Time for good surprises #stepbystep Fruits with other foods cause fermentation, reduced energy. Fruits solo, first thing in a clean stomach makes fructose a fuel source. Ultimate energy, vitality and immunity… Many fruits are low sugar… Munching peppers and cucumbers… Not banana, not avocado, not starch. 2 fruits are best. Ideally citrus fruits. 1 papaya and 1 pineapple, cut makes the perfect meal for 2. #Superhuman #Fruits #Vegan

#Fruitsforbreakfast Question, check, try everything... ?break-fast #breakfast Coffee first to empty the stomach, if you need it. TRY IT. Time for good surprises #stepbystep Fruits with other foods cause fermentation, reduced energy. Fruits solo, first thing in a clean stomach makes fructose a fuel source. Ultimate energy, vitality and immunity... Many fruits are low sugar... Munching peppers and cucumbers... Not banana, not avocado, not starch. 2 fruits are best. Ideally citrus fruits. 1 papaya and 1 pineapple, cut makes the perfect meal for 2. #Superhuman #Fruits #Vegan

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