
One of the few Portuguese mountain cities. Well kept and unique. Cold winters and blistering hot summers. A historic battle point with a hilltop castle to match #castelobranco #oldcastle #castle #castelo portugal #roadtrip #caldasdarainha #silvercoast #nomadicfirstandforemost #nomad #nomadic #digitalnomad #digitalnomadlife #digitalnomads #globetrotting #globetrekker #wanderlust #goingglobal #bigplanetsmallplanet #travel #brandjulian #findinspiration #hittheroad #seemore #keepexploring #viewpoint #viewfromthetop #cityviews

One of the few Portuguese mountain cities. Well kept and unique. Cold winters and blistering hot summers. A historic battle point with a hilltop castle to match #castelobranco #oldcastle #castle #castelo portugal #roadtrip #caldasdarainha #silvercoast #nomadicfirstandforemost #nomad #nomadic #digitalnomad #digitalnomadlife #digitalnomads #globetrotting #globetrekker #wanderlust #goingglobal #bigplanetsmallplanet #travel #brandjulian #findinspiration #hittheroad #seemore #keepexploring #viewpoint #viewfromthetop #cityviews

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